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This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. He causes misery and suffering to those persons who come in contact with him.Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. To conclude, Uriah Heep is a heap of rubbish and dirt, of cruelty and villainy. Thus Uriah Heep is a black-hearted villain. All this suffering is caused to David on account of Uriah Heep’s villainy. Spenlow tells him not to visit his daughter anymore. But his poverty becomes a hindrance though Dora continues to love him, her father Mr. When this calamity takes place David is engaged to Dora and hopes to marry her very soon. He has to work as a secretary on account of Miss Betsey’s loss of money. David has to give up his plans of studying law. The result is that not only Betsey but also David has to undergo a lot of economic difficulties and troubles. He takes out by fraudulent means all the money of Miss Betsey. He becomes a rival to David and creates obstacles in his marriage with Agnes.
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In fact, she knows full well that he is a devil incarnate yet she is helpless. He is the source of all the miseries to his master and his daughter, Agnes. Being frustrated and unhappy from childhood, he gives suffering and cruelty to his society. He is a source of misery and suffering to many persons. Hypocrisy is the second nature of Uriah Heep. Thus he is the cause of the downfall of his own master who has firm faith in him. The whole plot shows his cruelty, unscrupulousness, and mischievousness. He also draws a bill of sale on all his household furniture, in return for which Heep is to pay him an annuity, thus making Mr. Wickfield that he is trying to save him from imminent degradation, while, in fact, he is himself pocketing all the money. Wickfield into using Mrs.Betsey’s money for meeting business commitments that either does not exist or have already been provided for. Then he blackmails him and forces him to make him a partner in the firm. He forges his signatures on certain important documents with the result that the poor man is soon under his thumb. He, then, proceeds very cunningly to enmesh Mr. Not that he wants to become a lawyer, but because he wants to master the legal intricacies and technicalities so as to use them in his plot against Wickfield. He invites David to his house where he and his mother try to get information from him in a very clever manner. Firstly, he tries to know all about his master’s private life and his business secrets. Uriah Heep practices cheating in cold blood. For that, he is going to stoop to any extent.

His ambition is only to get money, position, and power. He is highly ambitious, but his ambition is very bad. Uriah Heep is a thorough hypocrite and cheat. Uriah Heep is a man of cunning and treacherous nature! He very cunningly and deceitfully learns from David the secrets of Mr. He is a mischievous and black-hearted man. Uriah Heep is an important figure in the novel David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. Character Sketch of Uriah Heep in David Copperfield Bihar Board Class 12th English Important Questions Character Sketch of Uriah Heep in David Copperfield are the best resource for students which helps in revision.